Poor kids ! Food poisoning incident at Pat’s Schoolhouse, The Children’s Place and Learning Vision @ Raffles Place
Last updated on 17 May 11
The Ministry of Health (MOH) and National Environment Agency (NEA) are investigating into three food poisoning incidents involving a licensed caterer, Mum’s Kitchen Catering Pte Ltd.
MOH was notified of the first case at Pat's Schoolhouse on 12 May, the second case at The Children’s Place on 13 May, and the third case at Learning Vision @ Raffles Place on 16 May. The main symptoms experienced by cases were fever, diarrhoea and vomiting.
Together, a total of 235 children and 12 teachers have been affected in the three incidents
Investigations are ongoing and further updates will be given when available.
Adpdated from Ministry of health website http://www.moh.gov.sg/mohcorp/pressreleases.aspx?id=26164
Qi Yin